About Us

Howdy Friends, 

My name is Cheyanne, I am a wife & mama of 3 beautiful boys. 2 Earth side & 1 in Heaven.

My husband and I started touring MLB stadiums and have a goal to visit all 30, prior to starting our family we managed to visit 10 of them. Our boys absolutely love baseball and we kind of started this tradition every time we go south (we live in North Texas) to the beach we try and catch a baseball game, or vice versa. So we get the best of both worlds every trip down south. We hope to keep expanding on this over the years. 

And while this may seem random to so many to create Beach & Baseball, I realized there was a reoccurring theme for our family. For me, it's about the state of energy you are in. The buzzing of the stadium, the presence of the ocean, that feeling of being outside and making amazing memories with those that mean the most to you. 

I really hope this resonates with you, thank you so much for being here. I would love to connect with you on social media, so feel free to message us.